
Are you in the midst of planning a move? Learn more about how to downsize or store your things in a storage unit.

3 Tips For Making Room For Your Hobbies By Renting A Storage Unit

17 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Renting a storage unit can be an ideal option when your home is on the smaller side and you have a lot of hobbies. It could be a major problem for your hobbies and activities that you use for fun end up taking up a lot of space in your home, especially if you only use the items from time to time. Whether you like to go biking on occasion or like to paint, the supplies can take up a lot of room, especially if you don't have a spare bedroom at home. Read More …

Take A Shot: States With Unusual Liquor Laws

30 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

For those who enjoy a nice, stiff drink every now and again, buying or drinking liquor may not be as cut and dry as you might think. Every state in America has its own individual laws regarding the sale and consumption of liquor, and some of the laws are rather quirky. While states like California allow liquor to be sold in most major retail stores and grocery stores, other states are not as lax. Read More …

Chart Your Items before Storing Them

29 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Putting your household things into a self-storage unit can be made a lot easier by following some packing tips that will allow you to access a specific item at any time while everything is in the unit. Here is how to use a charting system to strategically pack your things. Pack one room at a time Start in the least-used room in your home and work your way up to the most-used room from that point. Read More …

Packing Your Storage the Best Way

29 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As you are putting your household items into a storage unit, you should be thinking about what's going to happen if you need to retrieve something from the unit as well as how easy it's going to be to unload the unit later on. Here are some tips to follow when you are packing up your storage unit: Start with the tallest and largest items. Your tallest and largest items, such as your refrigerator, mattresses and dressers should be the first things to go in the storage unit. Read More …

Live In A Small Apartment Or Home? Rent A Storage Unit To Keep Emergency Supplies

29 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Not every person lives in a large apartment or home for several reasons such as personal preference, budget restraints, location, or even residence availability. For the most part, living in a smaller place leads to less overall expenses, but it does have one disadvantage in not providing much room for storage. It is either necessary to keep your number of possessions to a minimum or find storage for them. If you are okay with staying minimal, but want to at least have emergency supplies, you should rent a storage unit. Read More …